Bernard's helplessness and John's angry disillusion will grow in the coming chapters - creating the climax and bringing about the events of the conclusion. Faced with demand to behave as a conventional celebrity to ensure Bernard's continued social success, John returns to his Malpais identity, speaking Zuni and seeking comfort in the poetry of Shakespeare. In defying Bernard's demands for him to appear at a very important social gathering, John uses two techniques of resistance - retreat and the Zuni language - both expressing his indifference to and independence from the powerful people of the London world. The chapter also dramatizes John's rejection of Bernard for the more philosophical Helmholtz. John's preference for Shakespeare over the feelies leads to an explicit discussion of the power of words to create and express emotion - and to upset the social equilibrium. Helmholtz's initial delight at the poetic language turns to laughter and ridicule when Shakespeare's ideas about love and sex clash with Helmholtz's own social conditioning. This reading inspires John to read Shakespeare aloud. Meeting with John and Bernard, Helmholtz reads an anti-social poem he has composed. This embarrasses Bernard and destroys his newly won popularity. Disgusted with the brave new world, John refuses to attend a party for the Arch Community Singster of Canterbury.